Emergency Information and Procedures


All Emergencies: 911

Building Management Office: (312) 444-0200

Building Security / After Hours Emergencies: (312) 444-0200

Fire Department (Non-Emergency): (312) 744-4000

Police Department (Non-Emergency): 311

Important notes

If you call 911 as a result of a medical emergency, please be sure also to notify building management with your name, callback number, and location so that security may swiftly guide the paramedics to your exact location.

If the audible alarm within the building sounds, please do not call the Management Office, unless you have something specific to report. Building Management is aware of the noise, as well as the source of the alarm, whether it's false or a legitimate emergency. Please keep the telephone lines clear so Management may to attend to the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Fire Evacuation Plan


  • Immediately call the Fire Department at 911 and/or activate the fire alarm pull station.
  • Call Property Management at (312) 444-0200.
  • Isolate the fire, if possible, by closing the door.
  • Contact the Fire Captain(s) on the floor with the fire and give the location and severity of the fire.
  • If directed to evacuate by the fire department or the Property Management Office, or if unsafe conditions warrant leaving the floor, evacuate DOWN to the next re-entry floor by using the fire exit stairs... never use the elevator!


  • Immediately call Property Management at (312) 444-0200.
  • Contact the Fire Captain(s) on the floor with the odor and give the location and characteristic of the odor.


  • Direct all occupants on the floor in alarm to the fire exit stairs and await further instructions.
  • Fire Evacuation Plan/Fire After Working Hours


  • Immediately call the Fire Department at 911 and/or activate the fire alarm pull station.
  • Call Property Management at (312) 444-0200.
  • Isolate the fire, if possible, by closing the door.

If directed to evacuate by the fire department or the Property Management Office, or if unsafe conditions warrant leaving the floor, evacuate DOWN to the next re-entry floor by using the fire exit stairs...never use the elevator!



The Fire Wardens are appointed by each tenant of the Building. Those persons or their alternates, Deputy Fire Wardens, must be present at all times while the Building is occupied. These Wardens must be familiar with the Building evacuation plan, floor layouts, and location and use of fire equipment. In the case of tenants occupying a full floor or more than one floor, each floor should have at least two Fire Wardens and two Deputy Fire Wardens. Partial floor tenant should have at least one Fire Warden and one Deputy Fire Warden.

Fire Wardens, Deputy Fire Wardens, and their alternates should be selected on the basis of two principle criteria:

First - They must be alert and resourceful individuals who would be capable of performing in a leadership role during an emergency situation;

Second - They must typically work within the Building, rather than having their primary duties and responsibilities at a different location.

The Deputy Fire Warden shall provide leadership in the absence of the Fire Warden. If the Fire Warden is present during a fire evacuation the Deputy Fire Warden is expected to assist in the evacuation of the floor at the direction of the Fire Warden.

Fire Wardens are the "connecting link" between the Property Management Office and their respective employees and co-workers. As such, they have direct control and responsibility for all decisive matters relating to the safety of their employees during an emergency. It must be emphasized that the Fire Warden (within the bounds of the Emergency Plan) is in charge during an emergency and all corporate hierarchy should disappear.

Fire Wardens are responsible for selecting, identifying, and training sufficient back-up personnel and "emergency assistants" other than the Deputy Fire Warden to effectively perform their emergency duties and responsibilities.

Fire Wardens, Deputy Fire Wardens, and their alternates must be knowledgeable about items that are not commonplace to their office space, i.e., unusual or foreign to the normal environment of their respective company areas, so that in the event of a bomb threat, for example, they will be qualified and instrumental in assisting in the identification of any suspicious item.

Due to the key positions they occupy, Fire Wardens, Deputy Fire Wardens and their alternates must assure that during their absences from the building, other qualified associates are always familiar with and available to perform their emergency duties.


The Fire Wardens are essential in responding to an emergency in the Building, and because they are the appointed "connecting link" between the Property Management Office and their respective office/firm, communication of emergency instructions and information must never be interrupted due to the transfer or loss of this key individual.

Thus, changes in the employment status and/or replacement of each Fire Warden or Deputy Fire Warden must be reported immediately, in writing, to the Property Management Office. Efforts must be made to immediately train the replacement individuals in all aspects of the Emergency Plan. This can be accomplished through the Property Management Office.


All Tenant supervisory personnel and employees must recognize that it is essential for them to voluntarily accept emergency instructions given to them by the Fire Wardens and/or Deputy Fire Wardens in order to insure a safe and orderly response to any emergency situation.


All Tenant employees must remain calm, attentive, responsive and quiet, so they are able to hear all pertinent emergency instructions and/or orders, and so that they will not add confusion or dangerous panic to the emergency procedures initiated for their personal safety.


Various aspects of the Building's Emergency Plan Procedures will be tested on a deliberate, systematic, and periodic basis, in accordance with instructions from the Property Management Office and/or the Fire Department.


Experience has proven that the company which "makes the headlines" frequently becomes the target for prank callers. Thus, for the protection and safety of all occupants of the building, tenant employees are requested to refer news media inquiries to their respective company's public relations representative or to the Property Manager.


In the event of a building evacuation, please follow instructions given by building and emergency personnel.


In the event of a medical emergency, first call 911 and request the appropriate response. Next, please contact the Property Management Office at (312) 444-0200 immediately and report the following information:

  • Your name, company's name and location.
  • The nature of the medical emergency.
  • Exact location and name of the person the situation is in reference to.
  • Verify that an ambulance has been requested and is on its way to the building.

Property Management and Security will assist the 911 response.


Elevator emergency calls are monitored twenty-four (24) hours a day. Should an elevator malfunction, push the “Press to Call” button. Building Security will be notified and respond immediately to assist you. 

If you are in the elevator and it stops for no apparent reason, remember to remain calm. Pressing the emergency button within the cab will alert Property Management that the elevator is malfunctioning. The cab number will be identified, and so too, the specific floor on which it is stuck. The Guard will establish two-way communication with elevators occupants until help has arrived.

In the event of a power outage, elevators will continue to operate using our emergency power generator. Should an outage occur, elevator lights will remain on, but the car itself will temporarily cease moving. Each elevator will automatically return to the lobby, their doors will open, and they will remain inoperable until the power has been restored.



Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the Building, the security guards will immediately lock all entrances to the building. The police will be notified. We will keep you informed.

If a disturbance should occur in the main lobby, all elevators will be turned off at the first floor and the police will be summoned.


Suspected Bomb Threats / Safety Precautions

The safety precautions listed below are designed to acquaint tenants with several factors to be considered in the search and discovery of suspected bombs. Do not dismiss any precautions as unimportant or take them for granted.

Adequate knowledge of these precautionary provisions may save the lives of employees, visitors and customers:

  • Do not use radio equipment to transmit messages.
  • Do not turn light switches either off or on.
  • Do not smoke or light any matches.
  • Do not accept the contents of any container as bona fide just because it was delivered in a generally routine manner; nor should tenants accept container markings and/or appearance as sole evidence of contents.
  • Do not touch or change the position of a suspected bomb.
  • Do not shake shock or jar a suspected bomb.
  • Do not cover or carry a suspected bomb.
  • Do not open or cut any strings or cords on any suspicious container or object.
  • Do not unscrew, unlatch, unhook or lift the cover off of a suspicious object.
  • Do not submerse a suspected bomb in water.

Bomb Threats

At no time should a bomb threat be ignored or treated as a false alarm. Please follow the instructions below when a bomb threat call is received:

  • Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible.
    • Tell the caller that the building is occupied and an explosion might cause the death of innocent people.
    • Listen for background noises that might help in determining from where the call was made.
  • Obtain as much information as possible from the caller:
    • Location of the bomb.
    • Time of detonation.
    • Outside appearance of bomb and type of bomb.
    • Reason for planting bomb.
  • At the conclusion of the call, immediately report the bomb threat to the Property Management Office and provide the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your location and phone number
    • Name of the "initial incipient"
    • Time the call was received
    • Name of anyone listening in to the threat
    • Name of any employee threatened by the caller
    • Normal work location of threatened employee
    • Time bomb is supposed to detonate
    • Exact location of where the bomb was placed
    • Outside appearance and description of the bomb
    • Reason given for bomb threat
  • Notify your supervisor about the bomb threat call.
  • Have all written records or notes of the bomb threat call available for the proper authorities.
  • Quickly and thoroughly search your company area for "suspicious, unusual or foreign items" (suspected bombs) and report any findings. Do not under any circumstances touch, move, jar, disturb or cover any suspicious items that are found. Report all findings to the Property Management Office.
  • If the Houston Police Department requests evacuation; the Property Management Office will notify building tenants. Identify and give priority to the movement and evacuation of nervous, emotional, ill and/or disabled personnel. Upon evacuation, establish and announce a rendezvous point for employees to regroup. If you decide that your employees and visitors are in imminent danger, exercise your independent judgment and move or evacuate your personnel as soon as possible.
  • Please make only necessary phone calls as it is important to maintain open phone lines.
  • Following the conclusion of the bomb threat emergency, and for future reference by the Property Manager and Security Director, write a brief report covering actions in response to the emergency including any special problems or incidents encountered and submit it in a timely manner to the Property Management Office. Retain copies of these reports for future organizational reference.

Explosions In & Around Building

Upon receiving notification that an explosion has occurred, the tenant contact should obtain the following facts:

  • Name of person calling
  • Location of person calling
  • Exact location of explosion
  • Cause of explosion if known
  • Did explosion cause fire or other imminent danger, and if so what and where? Immediately report the following information to the Property Management Office at (312) 444-0200:
    • Your name and location
    • Your company's name
    • Any reasons you have to believe explosion was caused by a bomb
    • Extent of casualties and number and type of injuries

Move or evacuate employees and visitors from tenant area if required. Following the conclusion of the situation, and for future reference by the Property Manager and security director, write a brief report covering actions in response to the emergency including any special problems or incidents encountered and submit it in a timely manner to the Property Management Office. Retain copies of these reports for future organizational reference.


When severe weather conditions become apparent, the U.S. Weather Bureau describes conditions by two (2) classifications, a Watch or a Warning. This applies to the reporting of severe thunderstorms, the approach of weather conditions favoring the formation of tornadoes, a hurricane condition, a winter storm condition, etc.

  • A Watch becomes effective when atmospheric conditions are present that can produce the particular weather phenomenon.
  • A Warning means that the weather condition has been spotted and prompt action must be taken to enhance safety.

Except in very rare circumstances, the decision to evacuate the building based on the above weather reports will not be made by Property Management, but rather by each Tenant Company. However, in the event these conditions do exist, the following guidelines should be adhered to:

  • Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds (this will provide protection from broken glass).
  • Do not panic.
  • If evacuated, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you.
  • If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows.
  • Use the stairwells rather than the elevators.
  • If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so.


In most cases advance warning of a tornado is unlikely. For this reason, if a tornado is sighted approaching the building, please notify the Property Management Office and begin moving office staff to the interior corridors and elevator lobbies of the building. One of the greatest dangers will be that of flying glass and objects, so please attempt to select a location that has the maximum number of walls to the exterior of the building.


When a hurricane warning and evacuation order has been given by the National Weather Service and Civil Defense Authorities; the Property Management Office will notify all tenants of the closing of the building. Notification will be given by phone and by notices posted in public areas, lobbies, elevators and entry areas. All valuable documents, files and furnishings should be moved to inner offices to guard against the possibility of water damage from a broken window. Tenants not reached by phone will have evacuation notices placed on their entrance doors.

Required Insurance Limits:

Workers Compensation(in kind and amount as prescribed by statute)

Employers Liability$500,000

Commercial General Liability$1,000,000

Commercial Automobile Liability$1,000,000

Umbrella Liability$5,000,000

The Certificate of Insurance must name the following as outlined below:

Certificate Holder (to be identified exactly as):

c/o Hines
One South Dearborn, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60603

Additional Insured (to be identified exactly as):

Hines Interests Limited Partnership

River Point Insurance Requirements Form

River Point maintains a no smoking policy throughout the building, including all common areas, the lobby, rest rooms, stairwells and elevators. Please do not smoke at building entrances.